Thursday, May 27, 2010

ego, ego, ego...

What a pathetic, make-believe world of gossamer egos some people construct for themselves: occupied space of mammoth insecurities, hollow, wanna-be-relationships, and cardboard-cut-out crap. Monstrous nobodies living alone in fragile, self-constructed fantasies, polluted with self-important words, self-created philosophies, inflicting their nothingness on anyone bold enough to threaten it, careless enough to walk through it, befriended sufficiently to know their worth, surrounded by love, love, and more love, and unfazed by an ego cut loose, who believes it is all-consuming and ferociously mighty, but who in fact has all the depth and anger of a shallow, autumn-borne puddle. When such an ego explodes in violence and rents the air with vile shards of scattering falsities which explode at the touch of truth, I'll react by crushing the air out of the space they occupy and reduce them to nothingness: at least in my vicinity.

Because in the end, not every person is worth time, space, and thought: especially the insecure shreds of a former whole heart, soul, and insides who feel threatened by one whose space is locked down, secure, and infallible, only because of depth, truth, love, and knowledge.

Because despite what the ad says, some people are, ultimately, simply not worth it....

Hmmm... what have I uttered sounds godly even to me, But the fact is that it prevails in everyone of us & we all cradle 'ego' in some or the other form. So forget everything written above and continue enjoying a none idlistic life.